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Everything you need to know about dealing with the false miscarriage

dealing with the false miscarriage

Young woman checking pregnancy test kit in bathroom


Sometimes what seems like a miscarriage is usually a false miscarriage which is the main reason that you need to become very much aware of the critical insights related to the false miscarriage. This will usually happen when the woman is mistakenly diagnosed with a miscarriage when in reality the pregnancy will be still viable. This can happen due to any kind of mistake in the ultrasound interpretation, miscalculation in the pregnancy date, or any kind of slow fetal development. Having a clear idea about the causes, symptoms and prevention of a false miscarriage is very much important for you so that there is no chance of any kind of problem. In such cases, the lady will be showing all of the signs of the miscarriage for example vaginal bleeding and cramping but the pregnancy will still be viable. Following are the common signs of false miscarriage that you should watch for as recommended by the gynaecologist in Khammam:

  1. Lack of visible pregnancy tissue: One of the main signs of a false miscarriage is that there will be no visible pregnancy tissue passed during the bleeding and if the woman is experiencing vagina bleeding there will be no pregnancy tissue visible it could be assigned the false miscarriage.
  2. Fetal heartbeat: If the fetus is having a heart beat during the ultrasound, then the pregnancy will be visible and it is not a true miscarriage. However, it will be very much possible for the women to have a low fetal heartbeat which will indicate the risk factor in the whole pregnancy journey.
  3. HCG levels: HCG levels in the blood will be usually used in terms of confirming the pregnancy and if the levels are consistently increasing or remaining very high then this is a good indication that pregnancy is still very much viable and practically feasible
  4. Reduction in symptoms: If the woman is experiencing pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and breast tenderness and they suddenly disappear then it could be a sign of a false miscarriage. However, it will also be possible for the symptoms to disappear in a healthy pregnancy which is the main reason that remaining in touch with the best gynic doctor is highly recommended throughout the process so that everyone will be able to carry out the things very well and there will be no chance of any kind of problem. This will be helpful in making sure that everybody will be able to get the best possible insight into the entire journey and that things will be very well taken care of from a whole new professional perspective.
  5. Slowly rising HCG levels: If the levels of HCGR rise but are rising at a very slow rate it will indicate a very high-risk pregnancy but it will be not necessarily a sign of true miscarriage.

Some of the common causes that you need to know about the false miscarriage have been explained as follows:

  1. Misinterpretation in the ultrasound: In early pregnancy, the ultrasound will not only always be able to detect the fetal heartbeat further leading to the missed diagnosis if the SAC appears to be empty the miscarriage could be suspected but even the baby is still developing.
  2. Incorrect dates of pregnancy: Ovulation and implantation will not always happen on the exact cycle date which eventually leads to variations in the pregnancy development. If the ladies have already overloaded later than expected the embryo will be younger than predicted which makes it very hard for the individual to detect the heartbeat and it could be a clear cause of the false miscarriage.
  3. Very slow development: There might be a situation in which some of the pregnancies will be progressing slower than usual but still will result in a very healthy baby. The doctors in such cases will be misdiagnosing the early pregnancy as well as miscarriage even if they are expecting the development to follow the average timeline. Hence, having a clear idea about such things is very important for you so that there is no chance of any kind of issues.
  4. Human error in the medical assessment: Different doctors and technicians will have multiple elements of interpretation of the ultrasound images and further the poor-quality ultrasound machines or the incorrect positioning will lead to very unclear images. The entire situation in this case will be prone to human error in the medical assessment you need to take it very seriously to avoid any kind of problem.
  5. Bleeding in pregnancy: There will be some women who will be experiencing bleeding due to hemorrhage which could be mistaken for a miscarriage and despite the heavy bleeding the pregnancy will normally continue without any problem. So, in all of such cases, you need to get in touch with the doctors as soon as possible so that discussion of the concern concerns will be very perfectly done and there will be no scope for any kind of issues.

What can you do if you have been diagnosed with a miscarriage? 

  1. First of all, you should always proceed with getting the second ultrasound check after a few days to confirm the findings.
  2. After this, you must focus on requesting the blood sample testing systems to check the HCG levels which is the pregnancy hormone over time
  3. Seeking the second opinion from another doctor before making any kind of decision about medical intervention is always very much important for you to avoid any kind of issues and further make sure that things will be very well sorted out to avoid any problem.

Apart from the points mentioned above it is very important for people to note that any kind of false miscarriage could be very distressing in terms of emotions and seeking a second opinion in such cases based upon follow-up testing is important to avoid any kind of misdiagnosis. Furthermore, remaining in touch with the other experts like Gastroenterology for kids in Pune is very much important for you so that discussion of the concern concerns will be open and done and you can get the genuine element of support for accurate results.

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